Name: Basil (Possibly a false name. When we contacted it for the first time and asked for its name, Dweller-042 appeared to hesitate for about 15 seconds before answering. Unknown whether they decided to use a pseudonym or if they had forgotten their own name and were trying to think of one to give us. We'll investigate this more at a later date.)
Species: The anthropromophiae variant of the felis catus. Seems to be some sort of mix between the mainecoon breed and another longhaired domestic housecat, possibly American Bobtail.Gender: X (When asked, Dweller-042 responded with "transandrogynous", and requested us to use they/them and it/its pronouns when referring to it. It is assumed that Dweller-042 was assigned male at birth (AMAB), as they posess no scars around their chest area similar to that of those after reconstructive chest surgery, or "top surgery", commonly used by AFAB transgender individuals to remove breast tissue and sculpt the chest into a more pectoral form.) (While it could be useful to ask more about Dweller-042's sex, in case we can use the information to find out more about their history and the circumstances leading to their residency in the void, Dweller-042 resists attempts to inquire about the topic, and becomes visibly uncomfortable. Out of respect, I ask all researchers to please refrain from talking about Dweller-042's sex while they are present. We need to maintain its trust.)Age: Unknown. Dweller-042 does not seem to remember, though suspects that it may be July 7th, due to finding a drawing dated for July 7th, featuring a cake and several figures that Dweller-042 described as "weirdly familiar." Dweller-042 assumes that they're somewhere in their late teens, possibly around 17 or 18.Entity type: PrimeDescription:
Dweller-042, known as Basil, is the 42nd known prime entity to have been in the presence of the void, and the only known prime entity to not only have been in its presence for longer than 2 hours, but to actually reside within. They are a long-haired felis catus-anthropomorphiae with black fur and purple highlights (assumed to be natural colour), with a white spot where their stomach area is. Scanners have shown it to have multiple neural implants in its head. When asked about them, Dweller-042 was seemingly already aware of most of them. When asked how they were made aware of their existence, they didn't remember exactly, but were able to faintly recall someone in a white coat explaining the function of most of their implants to them as they lay down in a bed. (Could their current residence within the void be the result of a failed experiment of some kind? The implants and their use seem tailored specifically towards survival and communication with the Prime dimension. I'll request an investigation into previous experiments, maybe something might come up.)
It seems that Dweller-042 is unable to age nor expire.
Despite having made contact for several months now, Dweller-042 shows no signs of physical ageing. When asked about this anomaly, Dweller-042 admitted that it had no knowledge of the reasoning behind this. They likened it to “another example of the void being a complete asshole to [them].”
Dweller-042 also seems to possess strange properties of regeneration. If killed by a hostile Void entity while outside the boundaries of its cabin, it somehow reappears unharmed back in its cabin, alongside any supplies it gathered. If they return to the site of their demise, no evidence of their death is present. It is unknown why this happens.
OTHER NOTES:09/09/2023: Basil described the oft-debated sensory aspects of the Void as feeling “cold” and smelling similar to that of blood.
[Weird. Other people have described it completely differently, saying it smells similar to brimstone or something. Could the Void present itself differently to different entities? Should we look into this? - Dr. Horn]

TIMELINE OF SUBJECT INTERACTIONS:027/04/2027: Void Studies division of Mülyer Laboratories established.03/05/2027: Signs of prime entity life are discovered in the void. Various drawings, mainly of cats, and assorted supplies (food, black winter clothes, pens, etc.) are briefly seen in the footage of a remote-controlled voyage drone's expedition. When the drone passed the room they were seen in, a sharp breath was very faintly heard. This was brought to the drone controllers’ attentions approx. 1 minute after it occured. When we steered the drone back to the area, a splatter of blood was very briefly seen on the floor outside the room that wasn't there before, right before the drone was attacked and the video feed was cut. In the few seconds of audio heard before our connection was severed, a loud roar was heard. Judging from the sound of the roar, the attacker seemed to be what we now call a Type-B Void entity.17/05/2027: New voyage drone expedition launched.19/05/2027: The site of the attack was rediscovered after 2 days of searching. Everything seen previously has disappeared. Scans showed no signs of blood. The only trace of the attack taking place is the remains of the previous drone. It was retrieved, and thoroughly tested for any anomalous substances. Traces of Void entity skin and blood were found. They were isolated and taken away for further testing. Researchers who came into contact with either substance noted feeling colder than usual. This persisted for anywhere from an hour to about 2 weeks after the substances were found. [09/09/2044 - God knows what Basil's going through. Those 3 days were hell on earth. Even the heater couldn't relieve the cold! - Dr Horn]07/07/2035: Ruins of a kitchen were found by another voyage drone. It looked recently used, but looked as if it was left in a hurry. Claw marks indicated whoever was in the kitchen were attacked by a Type-F Void entity.09/07/2044: First contact was made.[19/09/2044 - 21:42] Dweller-042 on an expedition for supplies. With their permission, they were surveilled by a voyage drone. After grabbing some food and some clothes, it noted a very strong sulphur smell. Upon exiting the room they were in, they spotted a handwritten note stuck to a nearby streetlamp. The note was written in red coloured crayon, as if a young child had written it. Dweller-042 was asked to read the note aloud if they so wished. It nodded and read: "its a shame, really. to know the pain of death but be denied the finality of it. dear intruder, do you enjoy your time here?" For archival purposes, Dweller-042 was asked to show the note to the camera of the voyage drone, which they did. Shortly afterwards, waltz music was seemingly faintly heard. The voyage drone immediately turned on its automatic camouflage. None of the 5 photos taken while in camouflage showed anything particularly of note, however the audio feed seemed to imply that Dweller-042 had encountered a Void entity, likely Type-G. Approximately 5 minutes later, the drone's visual feed came back online. Neither Dweller-042 nor the attacking entity were to be seen. Dweller-042 was found an hour and 24 minutes later in its cabin, comforting itself in a blanket found on a previous exhibition. (3/10/2044 - 11:24 - Upon reviewing the images taken in camouflage, Dr. Horn noticed something strange in the background of image 3. Upon increasing the brightness of the image, a Type-G Void entity was spotted in the background, with the words "how's the view, Steven?" scrawled in some kind of ink on the entity's "sheet". Could the Void entities be aware of our presence? I mean, they knew Dr. Horn's first name. He hadn't even talked to Basil at that point, and we all refer to each other formally. How could it have known? I'll ask admin if I can investigate further. - Dr. Langley)[2/10/2044 - 22:54] {Note to the team - Try not to get drunk and try to use 4 party whistles at once while on a call with Basil. It alerts the entities. - Dr. Faust} [Yeah, after that whole display on the voyage drone camera I don't think we're letting any loud items anywhere near the communications room. Dr. Langley puked her fucking guts out after that. We need to ask the administrator if he could invest in some kind of therapy for the void studies team. The things we see are taking one hell of a toll on our mental health, seriously. - Dr. Horn]

(click images to enlarge them)
(//also, you have my complete permission to draw any of my characters (unless its nsfw!))

[REQUIRES LEVEL 6 CLEARANCE][...][...][...][LEVEL 6 CLEARANCE IDENTIFIED][PLEASE BE ADVISED: ALL INFORMATION IN THIS SECTION IS UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR TAMPERING AND CURRENTLY SHOULD NOT BE REGARDED AS FACT. PLEASE REPORT DIRECTLY TO ADMINISTRATOR IF YOU FIND ANYTHING REGARDING ITS ORIGINS.](We don’t know the origin of this, or whoever the hell wrote this, but this sounds absolutely insane. If any one of you on the team wrote this, there will be dire consequences for you. Sensitive files like these are not to be tampered with. If any of you have any information as to who might have done this, report it to the administrator IMMEDIATELY. We are not going to take this lightly in any sense of the word. - Dr. Cross)>>How did Basil get here, you may ask? Well, then.
Allow me to enlighten you.
There once was a scientific institution named ██████ Laboratories. Unsurprisingly, scientists worked there. One of them had a kid. The kid’s name? Let’s call them Basil. Basil’s father in particular was quite a high ranking member of staff. As such, he didn’t have much time to spend with Basil. Desperate for a connection, they asked their father if they could take part in his research. Despite initially showing resistance, Basil’s father eventually relented and allowed it to participate. Basil was to be the first Prime entity to reside in the Void for an extended period of time.After installing implants for survival and going through a rigorous training process, the day had come for Basil to step foot into the Void. They took a deep breath, and stepped through the gateway. It had been given supplies for about a week’s stay in the void, as well as been put in a special suit to protect them from any anomalies trying to infect it. Lodging had already been set up for them in the form of a tent kitted out with equipment around half a kilometre from the entrypoint.Basil made it to the tent safely and began to unpack. Books, drawing supplies, food, a calendar, photos of their loved ones, a power bank, electronic entertainment devices, plus some other items. About an hour after its’ entry, a small group of researchers was to arrive at Basil’s tent and set up some monitoring equipment, so they started reading one of their books to pass the time. The hour passed, with no sign of the researchers. Basil contacted the lab using the communication devices in the tent. Everything seemed okay, but the lab did find the group’s tardiness strange as well. Another hour passed. Still nothing. Basil stepped out of the tent and started walking back in the direction of the entrypoint, hoping to find out what was happening.What they found was a much longer walk than before, as if the amount of land between the tent and the entrypoint had doubled. After walking about 250m, they found the researchers. Or rather what was left of them. Nothing but tufts of fur, a scale here and there, shredded and sparking equipment, and bloodstains marked where the researchers once walked. Basil raced back to the tent to contact the rest of the researchers. It ran not even 50 metres before arriving at the tent. Resolving to process that at a later time, Basil sprinted towards the comm unit and shouted into the mic what they had found. The lab erupted into chaos, screaming at Basil to get back to the entrypoint as soon as it could.Basil did as told and ran towards the entrypoint. They grew tired, but could not stop for fear of meeting a similar fate as the group of researchers. The only sounds that could be heard were the crunch of dirt beneath its boots and their own laboured breathing. Until a footstep out of time with Basil’s was heard. They could barely even react before they felt their legs give way, slashed by an unknown assailant. Slamming hard down on the ground, the helmet portion of their suit shattered as they cried out in pain. The entrypoint suddenly came into view, the ground between it and Basil somehow condensing from what must have been 5 kilometres to no more than 5 metres. Taking his opportunity to act, Basil’s father leapt through the entrypoint, reaching out towards Basil, who weakly tried to extend their arm. Unfortunately, before Basil’s father could reach his kin, Basil’s attacker, some large beast made of what seemed like obsidian, grabbed him, tossing him back through the entrypoint, making him slam into one of its main computers. The creature returned its piercing gaze to Basil. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be crying somehow. Its eyes teared up, and the droplets fell onto Basil’s face. They burned like acid on flesh, the feeling spreading and reverberating through their entire body, releasing another cry of intense pain from Basil. Attempting to regain his bearings, Basil’s father got up, and attempted to run through the entrypoint again before it could close. He was too late. The last he saw of Basil was right before the abomination slammed its crystalline paw down on Basil’s torso.You might be able to piece together what happened afterwards. And if not?Keep looking.From
A Fr|end

this is the info/lore/whatever page for my fursona, basil!
did i need to make a whole carrd for it? probably not!
did i want to make my own version of that cool as hell aperture website that valve made? hell yeah!
so yeah! this is a thing! i'm makin a &%#@ton of lore for a character that initially started as "how do i make the boykisser meme look more like how i draw myself"!
i'm definitely planning on fleshing out more of the characters and giving them actual designs n stuff.
so uh
i hope you enjoyed this whole frankly very unnecessary thing!
coolio idk what else to put here BYE
- addderalll
oh and here's a link to my own carrd. cya